
as at Mar 31, 2024

- updated quarterly -

Average Annual Net Return since inception 19.82%*

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This content of this page is intended for information purposes only and does not constitute an offer to buy or sell products or services of Covista Capital Corp. (Covista) nor is it intended as investment and/or financial advice on any subject matter. The information contained herein is derived from sources which are believed to be reliable but Covista makes no representation that this information is accurate or complete. Certain of the statements may contain forward looking statements, which involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results to be materially different from any future results, performance, or achievements expressed or implied by such forward looking statements. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Results are not guaranteed. Values will fluctuate and individual returns will vary. *Covista Value Fund Limited Partnership Class A Series 2015-08. Inception Aug 11, 2015. Net of fees and expenses. Individual returns may vary based primarily on date of investment. Where the performance of a particular class of a fund is displayed, other classes may be available and fees and performance may differ in those other classes. Chart Sources: Quotestream; Google Finance; Pinnacle Fund Admin. Index returns do NOT assume reinvested dividends. **S&P500 in CDN $ represented by the Vanguard S&P500 ETF “VFV-T”. Includes .08% MER and will closely track the S&P500. “TSX Composite” is the S&P/TSX Composite Index. Benchmarks are used to assess relative performance of your portfolio/Covista products. There is no perfect benchmark that will accurately reflect the risk and diversification of our investment pool at all times. We believe most clients allocate a portion of their total assets to North American securities, and are familiar with the most widely quoted benchmarks of the S&P500 in the US and the TSX Composite in Canada. The S&P500 is comprised of 500 large cap US equities, whereas the TSX is primarily comprised of large cap Canadian equities. The Covista Value Fund has a wide investment mandate, and the composition of our investment pools will fluctuate over time. We believe the use of the S&P500 and TSX Composite as our benchmarks will provide clients with a reasonable barometer to compare the returns of the Covista Value Fund to the overall returns of the North American equity markets.

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